KIESEL(1) General Commands Manual KIESEL(1)

kieselA JavaScript engine written in Zig

kiesel [-c, --command command] [-d, --debug] [--disable-gc] [-m, --module] [--print-ast] [--print-bytecode] [--print-gc-warnings] [--print-promise-rejection-warnings] [-p, --print-result] [-v, --version] [-h, --help] [file]

kiesel is a JavaScript engine written from scratch with the eventual goal of full support for the latest ECMAScript standard.

The command line options are as follows:

, --command command
Runs command instead of reading from a file.
, --debug
Enables the debug mode, offering a more detailed output.
Disables the garbage collection, resulting in memory leaks.
, --module
Runs the code as a module instead of a script.
Prints the parsed AST for file or every statement in the interactive input. Continues with normal execution afterwards.
Prints the generated bytecode for file or every statement in the interactive input. Continues with normal execution afterwards.
Prints the warnings from the garbage collector, e.g. out-of-memory situations.
Prints promise rejection warnings.
, --print-result
Prints the evaluated result for file at the end of its execution. This behavior is default when running in interactive mode.
, --version
Prints the version and exits.
, --help
Prints a help text and exits.

The kiesel utility exits 0 on success, and >0 if an error occurs.

Place the following in a file named ‘script.js’:

const words = [ "meow :3", "awawawa", "uwu" ];
for (let i = 0; i < words.length: i++) {

Executing the following command:

kiesel script.js
will result in:
meow :3


Ecma International, ECMA-262,

The kiesel JavaScript engine has been in development since mid-2023.

The kiesel JavaScript engine was written by Linus Groh <>. The manual page was written by
Clara Engler⟩.

Yes. Awawawawa :3. The bug tracker is hosted on Codeberg.

August 19, 2024 Debian